12 Types of Writers

Have you ever wondered if there are any other writers aside from story writers or what people call “authors”? Well, there are different types of writers and they have unique functions in society. Here are 12 types of writers you may not be aware of; 

1. Novelist

A novel is a significant work of fiction, typically with over 40,000 words. Books frequently cross genres, such as romance, science fiction, and historical fiction, and feature intricate story arcs with numerous characters. Novelists are people who write novels. You can pursue novel writing as a career or as a hobby. There are two main types of novelists: plotters, who carefully outline their characters and narrative before beginning, and patterners, who are more impulsive and “write from the seat of their pants.”

A novelist is a writer of novels; they also work in other fiction and non-fiction genres. Others desire to do so or write as a hobby. At the same time, some novelists are professionals who earn a career by penning books and other works of fiction. Most writers struggle to get their first book published, but if they do, they frequently continue. Very few, however, become well-known literary figures who enjoy fame and fortune due to their writing.

2. Technical writer

Technical writers frequently work for companies and enterprises as internal staff members. Producing text for system documentation and instruction manuals is known as technical writing. Most of the time, the person who writes this kind of work must know a lot about a particular field or industry.

A technical writer is a skilled information communicator whose job is to communicate knowledge to two or more parties to make it easy for them to understand and convey it. Technical writers use various distribution methods to research and provide electronic, printed, audio-visual, and tactile materials.

3. Poet

Poets are authors of poetry, a kind of literature that uses a condensed, lyrical arrangement of words to express a notion, depict a scene, or tell a tale. Poetry can have no set structure or be set up with lines that rhyme and meter, which has no set structure.

A poet’s work is fundamentally one of communication, in which ideas are expressed symbolically or literally (for example, by talking about a particular place or incident). Since prehistory, poets have written in almost all languages. They have created a wide range of work for many cultures and eras.

4. Journalist

From opinion pieces to news articles, journalists write it all. For example, a journalistic writer may use an expository style when reporting facts for a news story. On the other hand, a featured or editorial writer could use a more persuasive manner to persuade readers about a specific problem or topic.

A journalist is someone who acquires information in the form of text, audio, or photos, transforms it into a newsworthy form, and then makes it available to the public. Journalism refers to the primary act or process carried out by a journalist.

5. Songwriters 

They compose the music and lyrics. A musician may hire a songwriter to add vocals to a song, or they may write both the musical notation and the lyrics.

A songwriter is a musician who writes lyrics for songs and composes musical compositions for a living. A composer can also be called a songwriter. Still, this term is usually reserved for musicians who specialize in classical music and film scoring and those who write and create original musical compositions or musical beds.

6. Ghostwriter

Ghostwriters’ area of expertise is writing for others. It takes an exceptional talent to register convincingly in another person’s tone of voice. High-ranking government officials and media figures are examples of some of the customers that ghostwriters work with to create a narrative and tell their tale in the first person.

A ghostwriter is employed when writing speeches, books, articles, or other documents with another person’s name listed as the author. Politicians, businesspeople, newsmakers, and celebrities frequently use ghostwriters to create or edit autobiographies, memoirs, magazine pieces, and other written works. Memoir ghostwriters like to “disappear” when they copy someone else’s work because it shows how good their work is.

7. Playwright

On a theater stage, actors act out stories that playwrights have created. Although playwriting may be a rewarding experience for individuals who want to see their stories come to life, the market for budding playwrights is tough.

A playwright writes plays. Because “wright” is a word for a craftsperson or someone who creates things, the playwright’s spelling may seem strange. You can see how writing a play is similar to creating something, given the juggling of characters, scenes, and plots in a play. Shakespeare is the most well-known playwright to have ever written in English.

8. Copywriter

Writing copy for marketing and advertising purposes is known as copywriting. Copywriters may work as in-house staffers for a business or advertising agency or be hired as independent contractors.

The practice of writing text for marketing or other types of advertising is known as copywriting. The written material, often called “copy” or “sales copy,” tries to raise brand awareness and ultimately get a person or group to do something.

9. Short Story Writer

Concise writing pieces called short tales can tell a story in less time than a novel. Short stories are frequently included in anthologies or published in publications. The length of a straightforward narrative might range from 1,000 words to somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 words on average. Flash fiction is defined as a short story of 500 words or less

A person who creates short works of literature as a career or pastime is known as a short story writer. Even though some short story writers sometimes tell stories from real life, most short stories are written in the fiction genre.

10. business writer

Most business writers work for periodicals or newspapers that produce content for particular industries. Suppose you have a penchant for networking and an in-depth understanding of vocabulary and concepts specific to the industry. In that case, business writing can be a lucrative form of writing.

Business writers are experts at writing on subjects related to business, such as economics, finance, and the stock market. They use their skills and connections to give their readers relevant information and advice based on what people want and how the economy is doing.

11. Screenwriter

Screenwriters create original scripts for movies and television shows. They might also make a screenplay adapted from a novel, short story, newspaper article, or another source. Screenplays often follow a three-act structure and have a particular format.

A screenplay writer, also known as a screenwriter, scriptwriter, or scenarist, is a writer who specializes in screenwriting. They create screenplays that form the basis of mass media, including movies, television shows, and video games.

12. Blogger

Online material is self-published by bloggers. Blogs often give curious readers factual-based information on various subjects, including food, travel, entertainment, and technology. However, they are not limited to non-fiction writing. Learning how to write a blog post that will effectively reach your target audience is a valuable skill. Whether you’re a creative writer searching for a simple way to publish your stories online or an entrepreneur looking for a way to market your business,

Short blog entries often have between 300 and 600 words and concentrate on one theme. These entries typically take the form of summaries of a subject or short, to-the-point advice. Bloggers create the content for their web pages or blogs, edit it, publish it, and promote it. They develop and pitch ideas; write and edit blog entries; promote them to readers, and do research.

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